Thomas Neukirch: Publication List

Refereed Publications

  1. K. Mowbray, T. Neukirch, and J. Threlfall, "A detailed investigation of particle energisation mechanisms in models of collapsing magnetic traps" , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 593, 609 - 623 (2025).
  2. O. Allanson, D. Ma, A. Osmane, J.M. Albert, J. Bortnik, C.E.J. Watt, S.C. Chapman, J. Spencer, D.J. Ratliff, N. P. Meredith, T. Elsden, T. Neukirch, D.P. Hartley, R. Black, N.W. Watkins, and S. Elvidge, "The challenge to understand the zoo of particle transport regimes during resonant wave-particle interactions for given survey-mode wave spectra" , Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, 1332931-1 - 1332931-20 (2024).
  3. J. Terradas and T. Neukirch, "Three-dimensional solar active region magnetohydrostatic models and their stability using Euler potentials", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 671, A31-1 - A31-15 (2023).
  4. X. Zhu, T. Neukirch, and T. Wiegelmann, "Magnetohydrostatic Modeling of the Solar Atmosphere", Science China Technological Sciences, 65, 1710 - 1726 (2022).
  5. O. D. Allanson, T. Elsden, C. E. J. Watt and T. Neukirch, "Weak turbulence and quasilinear diffusion for relativistic wave-particle interactions via a Markov approach", Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 805699-1 - 805699-12 (2022).
  6. T. Wiegelmann, T. Neukirch, D. Nickeler and I. Chifu, "An Optimization Principle for Computing Stationary MHD Equilibria With Solar Wind Flow", Solar Physics, 295, 145-1 - 145-14 (2020).
  7. T. Love, T. Neukirch and C. E. Parnell, "Analysing AIA flare observations using convolutional neural networks", Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 7, 34-1 - 34-8 (2020).
  8. T. Neukirch, F. Wilson and O. D. Allanson, "A family of Vlasov-Maxwell equilibrium distribution functions describing a transition from the Harris sheet to the force-free Harris sheet", Journal of Plasma Physics, 86, 825860302-1 - 825860302-13 (2020).
  9. T. Neukirch, I. Y. Vasko, A. V. Artemyev and O. Allanson "Kinetic models of tangential discontinuities in the solar wind", The Astrophysical Journal, 891, 86-1 - 86-8 (2020).
  10. A. Borissov, T. Neukirch, E. Kontar, J. W. Threlfall and C. E. Parnell, "Particle acceleration with anomalous pitch angle scattering in 3D separator reconnection", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 635, A63-1 - A63-15 (2020).
  11. T. Neukirch and T. Wiegelmann, "Analytical three-dimensional magnetohydrostatic equilibrium solutions for magnetic field extrapolation allowing a transition from non-force-free to force-free magnetic fields", Solar Physics, 294, 171-1 - 171-18 (2019)
  12. F. Wilson, T. Neukirch and O. D. Allanson, "Collisionless distribution functions for force-free current sheets: using a pressure transformation to lower the plasma beta", Journal of Plasma Physics, 84, 905840309-1 - 905840309-31 (2018).
  13. O. D. Allanson, S. Troscheit and T. Neukirch, "On the inverse problem for Channell collisionless plasma equilibria", IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 83, 849 - 873 (2018).
  14. F. Wilson and T. Neukirch, "Three-dimensional solutions of the magnetohydrostatic equations for rigidly rotating magnetospheres in cylindrical coordinates", Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 112, 74 - 95 (2018).
  15. T. Neukirch, F. Wilson and O. D. Allanson, "Collisionless current sheet equilibria", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60, 014008-1 - 014008-9 (2018).
  16. J. Birn, M. Battaglia, L. Fletcher, M. Hesse and T. Neukirch, "Can substorm particle acceleration be applied to solar flares?", The Astrophysical Journal, 848, 116-1 - 116-14 (2017).

  17. F. Wilson, T. Neukirch and O. D. Allanson, "Force-free collisionless current sheet models with non-uniform temperature and density profiles", Physics of Plasmas, 24, 092105-1 - 092105-11 (2017).

  18. O. D. Allanson, F. Wilson, T. Neukirch, Y.-H. Liu and J. D. B. Hodgson, "Exact Vlasov-Maxwell equilibria for asymmetric current sheets", Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8685-8695 (2017).

  19. A. Borissov, E. Kontar, J. W. Threlfall and T. Neukirch, "Particle acceleration with anomalous pitch angle scattering in 2D magnetohydrodynamics reconnection simulations", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 605, A73-1 - A73-10 (2017).
  20. J. D. B. Hodgson and T. Neukirch, "A combined theory for magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with anisotropic pressure and magnetic shear", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50, 105501-1 - 105501-25 (2017).
  21. T. Wiegelmann, T. Neukirch, D. Nickeler, S. K. Solanki, P. Barthol, A. Gandorfer, L. Gizon, J. Hirzberger, T. L. Riethmüller, M. van Noort, J. Blanco Rodríguez, J. C. Del Toro Iniesta, D. Orozco Suárez, W. Schmidt, V. Martíz Pillet, and M. Knölker, "Magneto-static modelling from Sunrise/IMaX: Application to an active region observed with Sunrise II., AAS01815R1", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 229, 18-1 - 18-12 (2017).
  22. J. W. Threlfall, T. Neukirch, and C. E. Parnell, "Particle acceleration due to coronal non-null magnetic reconnection", Solar Physics, 292, 45-1 - 45-19 (2017).
  23. E. Verwichte, P. Antolin, G. Rowlands, P. Kohutova and T. Neukirch, "Kinematics of coronal rain in a transversely oscillating loop: ponderomotive force and rain-excited oscillations", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 598, A57-1 - A57-11 (2017).
  24. O. D. Allanson, F. Wilson and T. Neukirch, "Neutral and non-neutral collisionless plasma equilibria for twisted flux tubes: The Gold-Hoyle model in a background field," Physics of Plasmas, 23, 092106-1 - 092106-13 (2016).
  25. A. Borissov, T. Neukirch and J. W. Threlfall, "Particle acceleration in collapsing magnetic traps with a braking plasma jet", Solar Physics, 291, 1385 - 1404 (2016).
  26. O. D. Allanson, T. Neukirch, S. Troscheit and F. Wilson, "From one-dimensional fields to Vlasov equilibria: Theory and application of Hermite polynomials", Journal of Plasma Physics, 82, 905820306-1 - 905820306-28 (2016).
  27. F. Wilson, T. Neukirch, M. Hesse, M. G. Harrison and C. R. Stark, "Particle-in-cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection with a non-uniform guide field", Physics of Plasmas, 23, 032302-1 - 032302-11 (2016).
  28. J.W. Threlfall, Ph.-A. Bourdin, T. Neukirch, and C.E. Parnell, "Particle dynamics in a non-flaring solar active region model", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 587, A4-1 - A4-13 (2016).
  29. J. W. Threlfall, J. E. H. Stevenson, C. E. Parnell and T. Neukirch, "Particle acceleration at reconnecting separator current layers", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 585, A95-1 - A95-12 (2016).
  30. D. MacTaggart, S. G. Gregory, T. Neukirch and J.-F. Donati, "Magnetohydrostatic modelling of stellar coronae", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456, 767 - 774 (2016).
  31. T. Wiegelmann, T. Neukirch, D. Nickeler, S. K. Solanki, V. Martínez Pillet and J. M. Borrero, "Magneto-static modelling of the mixed plasma Beta solar atmosphere based on SUNRISE/IMaX data", The Astrophysical Journal, 815, 10-1 - 10-6 (2015).
  32. O. D. Allanson, T. Neukirch, F. Wilson and S. Troscheit, "An exact collisionless equilibrium for the force-free Harris sheet with low-beta plasma", Physics of Plasmas, 22, 102116-1 - 102116-12 (2015).
  33. J. D. B. Hodgson and T. Neukirch,"On the theory of translationally invariant magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with anisotropic pressure and magnetic shear", Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 109, 524 - 537 (2015).
  34. J. W. Threlfall T. Neukirch, C. E. Parnell and S. Eradat Oskoui, "Particle acceleration at a reconnecting magnetic separator", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 574, A7-1 - A7-15 (2015).

  35. S. Eradat Oskoui and T. Neukirch, "Particle energisation in a collapsing magnetic trap model: the relativistic regime", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 567, A131-1 - A131-4 (2014).

  36. S. Eradat Oskoui, T. Neukirch and K. J. Grady, "Loss cone evolution and particle escape in collapsing magnetic trap models in solar flares", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563, A73-1 - A73-12 (2014).

  37. K. J. Grady, T. Neukirch and P. Giuliani, "A Systematic Examination of Particle Motion in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap Model for Solar Flares", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 546, A85-1 - A85-11 (2012).

  38. S. A. Matthews, D. R. Williams, K.-L. Klein, E. P. Kontar, D. M. Smith, A. Lagg, S. Krucker, G. J. Hurford, N. Vilmer, A. L. MacKinnon, V. V. Zharkova, L. Fletcher, I. G. Hannah, P. K. Browning, D. E. Innes, G. Trottet, C. Foullon, V. M. Nakariakov, L. M. Green, H. Lamoureux, C. Forsyth, D. M. Walton, M. Mathioudakis, A. Gandorfer, V. Martinez-Pillet, O. Limousin, E. Verwichte, S. Dalla, G. Mann, H. Aurass and T. Neukirch, "Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics (SPARK). A mission to understand the nature of particle acceleration," Experimental Astronomy, 33, 237-269 (2012).

  39. C.R. Stark and T. Neukirch, "Collisionless distribution function for the relativistic force-free Harris sheet," Physics of Plasmas, 19 , 012115-1-012115-7 (2012).

  40. F. Wilson and T. Neukirch, "A family of one-dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell equilibria for the force-free Harris sheet," Physics of Plasmas, 18, 082108-1-082108 (2011).

  41. M. Hesse, T. Neukirch, K. Schindler, M. Kuznetsova and S. Zenitani, "The diffusion region in collisionless magnetic reconnection," Space Science Reviews, 160, 3-23 (2011).
  42. N. Al-Salti and T. Neukirch, "Three-dimensional solutions of the magnetohydrostatic equations: Rigidly rotating magnetized coronae in spherical geometry," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, A75-1 - A75-7 (2010).
  43. N. Al-Salti, T. Neukirch and R.D. Ryan, "Three-dimensional solutions of the magnetohydrostatic equations: Rigidly rotating magnetized coronae in cylindrical geometry," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 514, A38-1 - A38-11 (2010).
  44. T. Neukirch and Z. Romeou, "On the relationship between equilibrium bifurcations and ideal MHD instabilities for line-tied coronal loops," Solar Physics, 261, 87 - 106 (2010).
  45. K.J. Grady and T. Neukirch, "An extension of the theory of kinematic MHD models of collapsing magnetic traps to 2.5D with shear flow and to 3D," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 508, 1461 - 1468 (2009).
  46. T. Neukirch, F. Wilson and M.G. Harrison, "A detailed investigation of the properties of a Vlasov-Maxwell equilibrium for the force-free Harris sheet," Physics of Plasmas, 16, 122102-1 - 122102-10 (2009).
  47. T. Neukirch,"Three-dimensional analytical magnetohydrostatic equilibria of rigidly rotating magnetospheres in cylindrical geometry," Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 103, 535 - 547 (2009).
  48. M.G. Harrison and T. Neukirch, "A one-dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell equilibrium for the force-free Harris sheet," Physical Review Letters, 102, 135003-1 - 135003-4 (2009).
  49. J. Birn, L. Fletcher, M. Hesse and T. Neukirch, "Energy release and transfer in solar flares: Simulations of three-dimensional reconnection," The Astrophysical Journal, 695, 1151-1162 (2009).
  50. M.G. Harrison and T. Neukirch, "Some remarks on one-dimensional force-free Vlasov-Maxwell equilibria,", Physics of Plasmas, 16, 022106-1-022106-9 (2009).
  51. P. Ruan, T. Wiegelmann, B. Inhester, T. Neukirch, S. K. Solanki and L. Feng, "A first step to reconstruct the solar corona self-consistently with a magnetohydrostatic model during solar activity minimum," Astronomy and Astrophysics 481, 827-834 (2008).
  52. T. Wiegelmann, T. Neukirch, B. Inhester and P. Ruan, "Optimization approach for the computation of magnetohydrostatic coronal equilibria in spherical geometry," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 475, 701-706 (2007).
  53. W. Fundamenski, V. Naulin, T. Neukirch, O. E. Garcia and J. Juul Rasmussen, "On the relationship between ELMs and solar flares," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 49, R43-R86 (2007).
  54. T. Wiegelmann and T. Neukirch"An optimization principle for the computation of MHD equilibria in the solar corona,"  Astronomy and Astrophysics, 457, 1053-1058 (2006).
  55. T. Wiegelmann, B. Inhester, B. Kliem, G. Valori and T. Neukirch"Testing non-linear force-free coronal magnetic field extrapolations with the Titov-Démoulin equlibrium," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 453, 737-741 (2006).
  56. P. Giuliani, T. Neukirch and P. Wood, "Particle motion in collapsing magnetic traps in solar flares. I. Kinematic theory of collapsing traps," The Astrophysical Journal, 635, 636-646 (2005).
  57. P. Wood and T. Neukirch, "Electron acceleration in reconnecting current sheets," Solar Physics, 226, 73-95 (2005).
  58. J. Birn, K. Galsgaard, M. Hesse, M. Hoshino, J. Huba, G. Lapenta, P. L. Pritchett, K. Schindler, L. Yin, J. Büchner, J. C. Dorelli, T. Neukirch and E. R. Priest, "Forced Magnetic Reconnection," Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L06105 (2005).
  59. R. D. Ryan, T. Neukirch and M. Jardine, "A Simple Model for the Saturation of Coronal X-ray Emission of Rapidly Rotating Late-Type Stars", Astronomy and Astrophysics,  433, 323-334 (2005).
  60. G. J. D. Petrie, K. Tsinganos and T. Neukirch, "Steady 2D prominence-like solutions of the MHD equations with field-aligned compressible flow", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 429, 1081-1092 (2005).
  61. G. T. Birk, H. Lesch and T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Reconnection and Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas", Astrophysics and Space Science, 289, 359-362 (2004).
  62. L. Carcedo, D. S. Brown, A. W. Hood, T. Neukirch and T. Wiegelmann, "A Quantitative Method to Optimise Magnetic Field Line Fitting of Observed Coronal Loops," Solar Physics, 218, 29-40 (2003).
  63. K. Galsgaard, V. S. Titov and T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Pinching of Hyperbolic Flux Tubes. II. Dynamic Numerical Model,'' The Astrophysical Journal, 595 506-516 (2003).

  64. M. K.-H. Kiessling and T. Neukirch, "Negative Specific Heat of a Magnetically Self-Confined Plasma Torus,'' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, 1510-1514 (2003).
  65. V. S. Titov, K. Galsgaard and T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Pinching of Hyperbolic Flux Tubes. I. Basic Estimations,'' The Astrophysical Journal, 582, 1172-1189 (2003).
  66. T. Wiegelmann and T. Neukirch, "Computing Nonlinear Force-free Coronal Magnetic Fields", Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10, 313-322 (2003).
  67. T. Wiegelmann and T. Neukirch, "Including Stereoscopic Information in the Reconstruction of Coronal Magnetic Fields,'' Solar Physics, 208, 233-251 (2002).
  68. Z. Romeou and T. Neukirch, "On the Application of Numerical Continuation Methods to the Calculation of Magnetostatic Equilibria", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64, 639-644 (2002)
  69. T. Neukirch and D. L. G. Cheung, "A Class of Accelerated Solutions of the Two-dimensional Ideal MHD Equations,'' Proceedings of the Royal Society London A, 457, 2547-2566 (2001).
  70. U. Becker, T. Neukirch and K. Schindler, "On the Quasistatic Development of Thin Current Sheets in Magnetotail-like Magnetic Fields", Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 3811-3825 (2001).
  71. T. Neukirch and E. R. Priest, "Generalization of a Special Class of Time-dependent Solutions of the Two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Equations to Arbitrary Pressure Profiles", Physics of Plasmas, 7, 3105-3107 (2000).
  72. G. J. D. Petrie and T. Neukirch, "The Green's Function Method for a Special Class of Linear Three-dimensional Magnetohydrostatic Equilibria", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 356, 735-746 (2000).
  73. T. Wiegelmann, K. Schindler and T. Neukirch, "Helmet Streamers With Triple Structure: Simulations of Resistive Dynamics", Solar Physics, 191, 393-410 (2000).
  74. G. J. D. Petrie and T. Neukirch, "Self-Consistent Three-Dimensional Steady State Solutions of the MHD Equations with Field-Aligned Incompressible Flow,'' Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 91, 269-302 (1999).
  75. T. Neukirch and L. Rastätter, "A New Method For Calculating a Special Class of Self-Consistent Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrostatic Equilibria", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 348, 1000-1004 (1999).
  76. G. T. Birk, U. Becker, J. Dreher and T. Neukirch, "Numerical Studies on the Dynamics of the Ionospheric Current System",, Advances in Space Research, 22, 1369-1372 (1998).
  77. T. Neukirch and P. C. H. Martens, "An Approximate Self-Consistent Theory of the Magnetic Field of Fluted Penumbrae", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 332, 1075-1081 (1998).
  78. T. Wiegelmann, K. Schindler and T. Neukirch, "Helmet Streamers With Triple Structures: Weakly Two-Dimensional Stationary States", Solar Physics, 180, 439-460 (1998).
  79. G. T. Birk, H. Lesch and T. Neukirch, "Localized Magnetic Reconnection as a Source for Extraplanar Diffuse Ionised Gas in the Halo", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,296, 165-172, 1998.
  80. U. Becker, G. T. Birk, T. Neukirch, and J. Dreher, "Towards a Self-Consistent Fluid Model for the Convective Auroral Electrojet,'' Physica Scripta, T74, 54-57 (1998).
  81. T. Neukirch, "Self-Consistent Models of Incompressible Stationary Magnetic Reconnection by Weakly Two-dimensional Extension of Magnetic Annihilation,''Physica Scripta, T74, 30-33 (1998).
  82. T. Neukirch, "Nonlinear Self-Consistent Three-Dimensional Arcade-Like Solutions of the Magnetohydrostatic Equations,''Astronomy and Astrophysics, 325, 847-856 (1997).
  83. L. Rastätter and T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Reconnection in a Magnetosphere-Accretion-Disk System: Axisymmetric Stationary States and Two-Dimensional Reconnection Simulations", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 323, 923-930 (1997).
  84. C. E. Parnell, T. Neukirch, J. M. Smith, and E. R. Priest, "The Structure and Collapse of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Neutral Points,'' Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 84, 245-271 (1997).
  85. T. Neukirch, J. Dreher, and G. T. Birk, "Three-Dimensional Simulation Studies on Bright Points in the Solar Corona", Advances in Space Research, 19, 1861-1864 (1997).
  86. J. Dreher, G. T. Birk, and T. Neukirch, "Three-Dimensional Numerical Studies of Converging Flux Events", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 323, 593-598 (1997).
  87. T. Neukirch and E. R. Priest, "Some Remarks on Two-Dimensional Incompressible Stationary Reconnection", Physics of Plasmas, 3, 3188-3190 (1996).
  88. U. Becker, T. Neukirch, and G. T. Birk, "Self-Consistent Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria for the Closure of Field-Aligned Currents in the Ionosphere", Physics of Plasmas, 3, 1452-1458 (1996).
  89. C. E. Parnell, J. M. Smith, T. Neukirch, and E. R. Priest, "The Structure of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Neutral Points", Physics of Plasmas, 3, 759-770 (1996).
  90. T. Neukirch, G. T. Birk, K. Finger, and K. Schindler, "A Stationary Fluid Model of Field-Aligned Electric Fields and Closure of Birkeland Currents", The Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 23 647-23 661 (1995).
  91. T. Neukirch, "Quasi-Equilibria: A Special Class of Time-Dependent Solutions for Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics", Physics of Plasmas, 2, 4389-4399 (1995).
  92. T. Neukirch, "On Self-Consistent Three-Dimensional Solutions of the Magnetohydrostatic Equations,'' Astronomy and Astrophysics, 301, 628-639 (1995).
  93. U. Platt and T. Neukirch, "Theoretical Study of Onset Conditions for Solar Eruptive Processes: Influence of the Boundaries,''Solar Physics, 153, 287-306 (1994).
  94. A. Schröer, T. Neukirch, M. Kiessling, M. Hesse, and K. Schindler, "Numerical Bifurcation Study of a Nonlinear Current Sheet Model", Physics of Plasmas, 1, 213-215 (1994).
  95. T. Neukirch, "Equilibria of Charge-Separated Rigidly Rotating Relativistic Magnetospheres,'' Astronomy and Astrophysics, 274, 319-329 (1993).
  96. T. Neukirch and M. Hesse, "Bifurcation Analysis of a Simple Analytic Model of Self-Propagating Star Formation,'' The Astrophysical Journal, 411, 840-847 (1993).
  97. T. Neukirch, "Deformation of a Magnetic Dipole Field by Trapped Particles", Journal of Geophysical Research,98, 3753-3765 (1993).
  98. T. Neukirch and J. V. Feitzinger, "An Analytic Theory of Self-Propagating Star Formation,'' Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 235, 1343-1359 (1988).

Conference Proceedings and Chapters of Books

  1. K.J. Grady and T. Neukirch, "Kinematic MHD Models of Collapsing Magnetic Traps: Extension to 3D," presented at "Cool Stars 15", St. Andrews, UK, 21-15 July 2008, published in COOL STARS, STELLAR SYSTEMS AND THE SUN: Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1094, 740-743 (2009).
  2. M.G. Harrison and T. Neukirch, "Theory of 1D Vlasov-Maxwell Equilibria," presented at "Cool Stars 15", St. Andrews, UK, 21-15 July 2008, published in COOL STARS, STELLAR SYSTEMS AND THE SUN: Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1094, 744-747 (2009).
  3. N. Al-Salti and T. Neukirch, "Stationary Magnetohydrodynamic Models of Three-Dimensional Rigidly Rotating Magnetized Coronae," presented at "Cool Stars 15", St. Andrews, UK, 21-15 July 2008, published in "COOL STARS, STELLAR SYSTEMS AND THE SUN: Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun", AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1094, 760-763 (2009).
  4. T. Neukirch, P. Giuliani and P. Wood, "Particle acceleration in flares - theory," in Reconnection of Magnetic Fields - MHD and Collisionless Theory and Applications to the Sun and Magnetosphere, edited by J. Birn and E. R. Priest, Cambrigde University Press, chapter 5.6, 281-291 (2007).
  5. T. Neukirch,"Theory of Energy Storage and Release in the Solar Corona," invited talk presented at the "11th European Solar Physics Meeting", Leuven, Belgium, 11 September-16 September 2005, published in Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting -The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations, ESA SP-600, (2005).
  6. T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Field Extrapolation," invited talk presented at the "International Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields", Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 30 August-2 September 2005, published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields, ESA SP-596, (2005).
  7. Z. Romeou and T. Neukirch, "On the Application of Numerical Bifurcation Analysis Versus Linear Stability Theory to Coronal Loop Equilibria", paper presented at the "6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", Penteli, Greece, 15-17 September, 2003, published in Proceedings of the 6th Astronomical Conference of Hel.A.S., edited by P. G. Laskarides, Hellenic Astronomical Society, 41-44 (2004).
  8. Z. Romeou and T. Neukirch, "On the Relationship Between MHD Equilibrium Bifurcations and Linear Stability Theory for Models of Line-tied Coronal Loops", paper presented at `SOLMAG 2002: Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference and IAU Colloquium 188', Santorini, Greece, 11-15 June, 2002, published in SOLMAG 2002: Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference and IAU Colloquium 188, ESA SP-505, 549-552 (2002).
  9. R. D. Ryan, T. Neukirch and M. M. Jardine, "Saturation of X-ray Emission in Simple Models of Rapidly Rotating Stellar Coronae", paper presented at `Stellar Coronae in the CHANDRA and XMM-Newton Era', Noordwijk, Netherlands, 25 -29 June, 2001, in Stellar Coronae in the CHANDRA and XMM-Newton Era, edited by F. Favata and J. J. Drake, ASP Conference Proceedings 277, 579-583 (2002).
  10. T. Wiegelmann, T. Neukirch and J. Büchner, "Tests and Limits of Vlasov-Code Simulations and its Application to Null-Helicity and Co-Helicity Reconnection,'' paper presented at the `Sixth International School/Symposium for Space Plasma Simulations', Garching, Germany, 3 - 8 September 2001, published in Proceedings of ISSS-6, edited by J. Büchner, C. T. Dum and M. Scholer, Copernicus Gesellschaft, 58-61 (2001).
  11. R. D. Ryan, T. Neukirch and M. M. Jardine, "Saturation of X-ray Emission in Simple Models of Rapidly Rotating Stellar Coronae", paper presented at the International Inter-Institutional Workshop `Magnetic Fields across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram', Santiago, Chile, 15 - 19 January, 2001, published in Magnetic Fields across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, edited by G. Mathys, S. K. Solanki and D. T. Wickramasinghe, ASP Conference Proceedings 248, 251-254 (2001).
  12. Z. Romeou and T. Neukirch, "A Numerical Method for Studies of 3D Coronal Field Structures", paper presented at the Summer School and Workshop `The Dynamic Sun', Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, Austria, 30 August-10 September 1999, published in The Dynamic Sun, edited by A. Hanslmeier, M. Messerotti and A. Veronig, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 303-306 (2001).
  13. T. Wiegelmann, K.Schindler and T. Neukirch, "Helmet Streamers with Triple Structures: Stationary States and Dynamics,'' paper presented at the VIIth International Conference on Plasma Astrophysics and Space Physics, Lindau, Germany, 4-8 May 1998, published in Plasma Astrophysics and Space Physics, edited by J. Büchner, I. Axford, E. Marsch and V. Vasyliunas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 739-745 (1999).
  14. Z. Romeou and T. Neukirch, "Self-Consistent Models of Solar Magnetic Structures in Three Dimensions", paper presented at the 9th European Solar Physics Conference, Florence, Italy, 12-18 September 1999, published in Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, ESA-SP 448, 871-876 (1999).
  15. G. J. D. Petrie and T. Neukirch, "A Self-consistent Green's Function Method for Non-Force-Free 3D Magnetohydrostatic Equilibria: Theory and Application to Coronal Magnetic Structures", paper presented at the 9th European Solar Physics Conference, Florence, Italy, 12-18 September 1999, published in Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, ESA-SP 448, 865-870 (1999).
  16. T. Neukirch, "A New Approach for the Calculation of Non-linear Force Free Fields", paper presented at the 9th European Solar Physics Conference, Florence, Italy, 12-18 September 1999, published in Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, ESA-SP 448, 723-727 (1999).
  17. G. T. Birk, H. Lesch and T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Reconnection and Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas", paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 166, "The Local Bubble and Beyond'', Garching, Germany, 21-25 April 1997, published in Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 166, "The Local Bubble and Beyond'', edited by D. Breitschwerdt, M. J. Freyberg and J. Trümper, Lecture Notes in Physics, 506, 451-456, 1998.
  18. T. Neukirch, ""Substorms" in the Corona and Preliminary Results from SOHO,'' invited paper presented at the "Third International Conference on Substorms,'' Versailles, France, 12-17 May 1996, published in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Substorms , ESA-SP 389, 725-730 (1996).
  19. T. Neukirch, "Magnetic Reconnection, Parallel Electric Fields and Particle Acceleration", paper presented at the "Yohkoh Conference on Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere,'' Bath, England, 20-22 March 1996, published in Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere, edited by R. D. Bentley and J. T. Mariska, ASP Conference Proceedings 111, 286-291 (1997).
  20. G. T. Birk, J. Dreher, and T. Neukirch, "Three-Dimensional Numerical Studies on Coronal Heating of X-Ray Bright Points", paper presented at the "Yohkoh Conference on Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere,'' Bath, England, 20-22 March 1996, published in Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere, edited by R. D. Bentley and J. T. Mariska, ASP Conference Proceedings 111, 89-94 (1997).
  21. T. Neukirch, "3D Solar Magnetohydrostatic Structures,'' paper presented at the "XXI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, '' The Hague, The Netherlands, 6-10 May 1996, published in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 22, 405-409 (1997).
  22. T. Neukirch, "New results of an analytic theory of Self-Propagating Star Formation,'' paper presented at the EIPC workshop on "Star forming galaxies and their interstellar medium,'' Marciana Marina, Elba, Italy, June 1-6, 1992, published in Star formation, Galaxies and the Interstellar medium, edited by J. Franco, F. Ferrini, and G. Tenorio-Tagle, Cambridge University Press, pp. 381-383 (1993).
  23. T. Neukirch, "Models for axially symmetric pulsar magnetospheres", paper presented at the workshop on "Physics of cosmic plasmas", Max-Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, September 13-14, 1988, published in MPE Report 211, edited by E. Möbius, Garching, pp. 98-102 (1988).


  1. T. Neukirch, "Zur kinetischen Theorie rotierender Magnetosphären mit Anwendung auf relativistische und nichtrelativistische Systeme,'' Dissertation (Ph.D. Thesis), Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1991).
  2. T. Neukirch, "Ein einfaches Modell für Sternsysteme mit propagierender Sternentstehung,'' Diplomarbeit (Masters thesis), Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1987).



Last updated: 9 September 2022